Sunday, Feb 02, 2025
One of America's Great Newspapers ~ Toledo, Ohio


Mayor Collins' funeral procession


The hearse carrying body of Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins leaves Coyle Funeral Home in South Toledo.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Funeral procession for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins gets heads down Reynolds Road near the former Southwyck Mall site after leaving Coyle Funeral Home.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Supporters of Mayor D. Michael Collins line up to wait for his the funeral processional to pass by Wixey Bakery in South Toledo.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Our Lady of Perpetual Help students, including Akaylah Clemons, 13, center left, and Sydni Waugh, 12, center right, held posters in support of Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins as they waited for his funeral processional to pass near Wixey Bakery in South Toledo.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Mourners gather near Wixy Bakery to watch the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins pass them in South Toledo.

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Children from Harvard Elementary School gather near Wixy Bakery to watch the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins.

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TPD Officer Paul Toth stands at attention with members of the Toledo Police Department while the body of Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the Toledo Police Patrolman's Association Hall on its way to Rosary Cathedral.

The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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Members of the Toledo Police Department salute while the body of Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the TPPA Hal.

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TPD Officer Paul Toth stands at attention with members of the Toledo Police Department while the body of Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the TPPA Hall.

The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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Barb Knannlein, who worked with Mayor Collins in fund-raising, watches while procession passes the TPPA Hall.

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TPD Officer Denise Muszynski stands with members of the Toledo Police Department while the body of Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the TPPA Hall.

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TPD Officer Denise Muszynski, left, and TPD officer Douglas Lewis hug after the body of Mayor D. Michael Collins passed the TPPA Hall.

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Virginia Gladieux holds a sign while the body of Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the TPPA Hall.

The Blade/Amy E. Voigt
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Harvard Elementary School kindergarden students Zauri Kelly, 5, left, Mitchell McDuffy, 5, center, and Cheyenne LaCourse, 5, right, hold up their shamrocks as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes near Wixey Bakery.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Mrs. Michele Pass' fourth grade class from Harvard Elementary School raise up handmade signs that spell out, 'Toledo Will Miss You!' along the funeral procession route for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Mourners wave American flags as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes Wixey Bakery in South Toledo.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Marie Pollex, of South Toeldo, left, holds a doughnut and flag as she pays her respects during the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins outside Wixey Bakery in South Toledo.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Mourners wave American flags as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins pauses in front of Wixey Bakery.

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Jeff Hohl, 69, left, waves the flag as he and other mourners watch as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes Wixey Bakery.

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Nancy McDermott, 84, center, keeps her hand over her heart as she and other mourners watch the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins pass by Wixey Bakery .

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Jeff Hohl, 69, right, waves the flag as he and other mourners watch as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes Wixey Bakery.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Students from St. Patrick of Heatherdowns School in South Toledo prepare to observe the funeral procession of Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins.

The Blade/Tom Henry
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Students from St. Patrick of Heatherdowns School in South Toledo, including Jed Dzierwa, 6, with sign, left, and Matty Flick, 7, holding sign, right, wait for the funeral procession of Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins.

The Blade/Tom Henry
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Antonio Wagner, 10, a fifth grader and member of Cub Scout Pack 252, holds the American flag in preparation for the salute to Mayor Collins' funeral procession at St. Patrick of Heatherdowns School in South Toledo.

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Funeral procession of Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes St. Patrick of Heatherdowns Church.

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Students from St. Patrick of Heatherdowns School in South Toledo watch the funeral procession of Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins as it passes their school on Heatherdowns Boulevard.

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Funeral procession for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins makes its way up Summit Street in downtown Toledo.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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People line a walkway over Summit Street showing their respect for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins as his funeral procession passes through downtown Toledo.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Workers from the Toledo Department of Public Utilities, including Koren Lopez, with sign, and Jackie Smoot, front right, bid farewell to Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins as his funeral procession fheads up Summit Street.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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People line Summit Street in front of HCR Manor Care as the funeral procession for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes through downtown Toledo.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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A woman holds a sign that reads 'Mayor Collins you will be greatly missed' as the funeral procession passes through downtown Toledo.

The Blade/Dave Zapotosky
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Lorenzo Jones, of Toledo, watches as the cortege passes on Ashland Avenue near Scott High School. He came early to represent his brother, James Anthony Jones, and family. His brother, he said, saved a women's life in 1992, and Mayor Collins thanked him and gave his brother a plaque to commemorate it.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Members of UAW Local 12 line the sidewalk outside their union hall along Ashland Avenue for the Mayor's funeral cortege. Three of the members are, from right, Doug Dye, of Toledo; Dave Tucker, of Temperance, Michigan, and Jan Herndon, also of Toledo.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Mark Felgner, left, of the International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers, and Chris Monaghan, of the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, Local 33 and president, Greater Northwest Ohio AFL-CIO, were two of the many members of the Northwest Ohio Building Trades along Ashland Avenue.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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Holding a Collins Cares sign, from left: Denver Brown, Brad Johnson, and Amy Kruczkowski joined their fellow employees with the City of Toledo Streets, Bridges and Harbors division to watch as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the Central Ave. I-75 overpass in West Toledo.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Holding a Collins Cares sign, from left: Denver Brown, Brad Johnson, and Amy Kruczkowski joined their fellow employees with the City of Toledo Streets, Bridges and Harbors division to watch as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the Central Ave. I-75 overpass.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Employees with the City of Toledo Streets, Bridges and Harbors division wave as the hearse bearing Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins' casket passes the Central Ave. I-75 overpass.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Claudia Mitchell, right, tears up as she joins her fellow employees with the City of Toledo Streets, Bridges and Harbors division to watch as the funeral processional for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins passes the Central Ave. I-75 overpass.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Keith Washington, right, holds his hand over his heart as he and his fellow employees with the City of Toledo Streets, Bridges and Harbors division watch the funeral procession.

The Blade/Katie Rausch
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Members of UAW Local 12 line the sidewalk outside their union hall along Ashland Avenue for the Mayor's funeral cortege.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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UAW Local 12 president Bruce Baumhower, center and right, and members of the local wave as city officials pass in the cortege.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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UAW Local 12 members and USMC veterans Jim Roe, of Temperance, left, and Mario Duran, of Millbury, fold the flag of the United States Marine Corps before giving it to Sandra Drabik, center and rear.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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The funeral cortege for Toledo Mayor D. Michael Collins travels down Ashland Avenue near Collingwood Avenue on its way to Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral.

The Blade/Jetta Fraser
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A photo of Mayor D. Michael Collins at Our Lady Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral.

The Blade/Andy Morrison
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